Nice Speech Lady has created a handout to provide to dietary managers, assisted living facilities or to home of families and individuals who desire to improve the visual quality of plates of patients when modified food consistencies are received.

The goal of this resource: Adding more flavor, appeal and pleasure to the experience of eating.

This handout is designed/suitable for use with the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) framework.

While not as frequent, some facilities have not yet initiated IDDSI; therefore, there is an additional page of this handout that describes options according to the National Dysphagia Diet (NDD) system. There is also an additional option for facilities or individuals that only use general terms, such as “regular diet consistency, mechanical soft diet consistency vs. purée diet consistency.”


HANDOUT-ABLE: Garnishing Ideas for Modified Textures



Wilson Nice, SLP, is the owner of Nice Speech Lady, a medical SLP platform for functional, practical and evidence-based SLP clinical resources.

Nice has been publishing complimentary tools for SLPs since February of 2018. Nice works as a medical SLP in New Mexico, as a contractor in SNFs and is a tele-practice/private practice outpatient clinic owner – serving adults and children, in Socorro, New Mexico — on a part-time basis.

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