Print-friendly/Shareable PDF: Nice Speech Lady Handout: “If/Then”- Understanding “Cause/Effect” Tool

Patients who demonstrating emerging cause-effect relationships for improving receptive language abilities may benefit from some visual supports. This no-tech resource aims to support those who would benefit from such assistance.

Similar to other models for understanding sequencing for pediatric patients, this model is a helpful aids in reinforcing different aspects of cause-effect relationships —  and can be used or adults, adolescents, and pediatric patients alike, if appropriate.

In a sense, this visuals aid in the communication of a proposal for an agreement, such as a a verbal contract. The speaker is offering conditions for a desired effect that the speaker anticipates the listener will have a high desire to have access to.

The objective is to improve receptive understanding of concepts that verbally alone may be too complex to communicate verbally, alone.

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Nice Speech Lady Handout: “If/Then”- Understanding “Cause/Effect” Tool

IF/THEN visual clipboard:

  • This model/tool will help you communicate anything to your loved one, whether they are of pediatric age, or if they function at a level where this aid would benefit their understanding.
  • Improves your chance of effectiveness for them to understand you.
  • Aids in understanding of your expectations of cause/effect.
  • You can utilize the /L/ visual for achieving visual and hearing attention prior to starting. This will let them know you are talking about an item that they will be interested in. “Listen please …. You will like this” can be said when pointing to the “L” graphic. Stating “look and listen, please” and in drawing an eye and an ear might catch their attention.
  • Use the “use ‘IF …. THEN’ visually, pointing to each as you indicate the details.
  • “IF” means = your loved one’s part (following directions, waiting, saying something for asking something, other things you need him to do or not do, sitting down, eating a portion of a meal, etc.).
  • “THEN” means = what they are wanting, desiring, or interested in – as the effects of their “IF” action.
  • Use hand pats or pointing — on a clipboard or other way to have the handout viewable, above, and below — for “IF” and “THEN” —  when telling them the terms of what you are asking. Keep it simple.
  • Examples:
    • “IF … you close the door (and you pat on the door and the “IF” word), THEN …. You get a piece of candy” (you place the handy next to the “THEN” word).
    • “IF … you take a drink (place the drink near the “IF” word), THEN … You will get another marker” (you place the marker net to the “THEN” word).
  • When starting with this, using items that are tangible, and you can tap the clipboard at an angle from your own chest. As times goes on, you could use more abstract concepts that may not require the object being requested to perform an action with, or the desired outcome that the patient is interested in.
  • Tapping on your chest might replace the clipboard, evening without the paper, as time goes on!




IF …






Wilson Nice is the owner of Nice Speech Lady, a medical SLP platform for functional, practical and evidence-based SLP clinical resources. Nice has been publishing complimentary tools for SLPs through Nice Speech Lady since February of 2018; she also has been providing SLP services to adults, adolescents and children in Socorro, New Mexico via her hybrid outpatient clinic since January of 2022. Virtual options for treatment are available through Nice Speech Lady, if patients are eligible, throughout the states of New Mexico and North Carolina.





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