There are many choices for cognitive-communication content to add to our toolbox in the world of speech pathology. Nice Speech Lady has created a collection of the most helpful sites toward the objective of improving access and competence in approaches/perspectives for evidence-based treatment for cognitive-communication evaluation and treatment.

These links have been organized as follows: free resources, pay-per-resource options (some may have free materials on occasion), membership/subscription services, podcasts, CEUs and webinars. Please see each information regarding the current cost at links due to the vacillating nature of prices and specials.

Free resources specific to cognitive-communication skills
Pay-per-resource options (some may have free materials on occasion) specific to cognitive-communication skills
Membership/subscription services specific to cognitive-communication skills
  • Honeycomb Speech Therapy. Blending evidence and relevance in focusing on function, there is a digital activity studio for activities and ideas for therapy. Also included are: treatment strategies, education handouts, real-life activities, assessment considerations, etc.
  • The Medical SLP Collective — a subscription-based process of obtaining information that includes resources, CEUs, access to a closed-fb group for private/discreet discussion and peer/professor-reviewed resources, a benefit. Many med SLP topics beyond cognitive-linguistic functioning/treatment are covered.
  • The Informed SLP.  A subscription service, this website scours the research for you to provide easily available information to apply today to clinical practice based on your population of service. Monthly reports of summaries of the newest research is produced and at your fingertips on all speech pathology topics, including cognitive-communication involvement.
  • FreshSLP. A site that has some free content and podcasts available, but also has a membership component. The focus is to “empower SLPs at the intersection of graduate school at a great career.” There are handouts, courses and a mentorship option — all on medical SLP topics, including cognitive-communication.
  • Therapy Insights. A membership service that provides information on a variety of topics, there is a section of various handouts and resources on dementia and CVA diagnoses. There are options to access the clinical resource library, as well as the article snapshots library, or both.
Podcasts specific to cognitive-communication skills
CEUs specific to cognitive-communication skills
Webinars specific to cognitive-communication skills


Wilson Nice, SLP, is the owner of Nice Speech Lady, a platform for medical SLPs to acquire immediate digital access to practical speech pathology clinical resources. Nice produces new, no-cost content for speech pathologists around the world. This includes home programs, session materials, handouts, and more.

She blogs on the Nice Speech Lady platform and also has a Youtube channel, where she interviews prominent professionals in the field of speech pathology and related areas. Nice works as a medical SLP in New Mexico and enjoys swimming, dancing, her faith communities and spending time with her family.


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Cognitive-Linguistic Handout-ables

Cognitive-Linguistic Home Programs

Cognitive-Linguistic Session Materials

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Pragmatics Home Programs

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