The research is clear regarding spaced retrieval: there is evidence of improvement with this technique, particularly when paired with a physical task during these progressively-timed/structured memory activities.

Please see this Nice Speech Lady resource that provides examples of tasks for clinicians to peruse when deciding what questions to query their patients when deciding to utilize spaced retrieval to address a need in a patient’s situation/environment. These ideas may lead to potential questions/activities for spaced retrieval that could be identified for patients.


SESSION MATERIALS- Fodder for Ideas for Spaced Retrieval and Paired Physical Tasks (Evidence-Based)


Wilson Nice, M.A., CCC-SLP, is the owner of Nice Speech Lady. Nice created a platform for medical SLPs to have free access to practical clinical resources on Nice Speech Lady; she also enjoys relaying news on medical SLP issues. She also works full-time as a medical SLP in New Mexico.



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