is releasing one large cognitive HEP resource with many components — home exercise programs for patients with who require simple tasks, moderate-in-complexity tasks, and high-level tasks. Also accompanying each of these ready-made HEPs are tailored orientation sheets for home practice.

Clinicians can choose to print each section individually through setting preferences if only one is required, as this resource includes all sections in totality.

Spanish versions are available as well as part of this resource.



HOME PROGRAM: Cognitive-Linguistic HEPs for Simple, Moderate and High-Complexity Tasks and Orientation



Wilson Nice, M.A., CCC-SLP, is the owner of

Nice created as a platform for medical SLPs to have free access to practical clinical resources on She also enjoys blogging and writing news articles on medical SLP issues. Nice works full-time as a home health SLP.













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Articulation — free speech therapy materials for adults

Swallowing — free speech therapy materials for adults

Receptive Language — free speech therapy materials for adults

Expressive Language — free speech therapy materials for adults

A/AC — free speech therapy materials for adults

Co-Occurring SLP Diagnoses — free speech therapy materials for adults

Cognitive-Linguistic — free speech therapy materials for adults

Voice/Resonance — free speech therapy materials for adults

Pragmatics — free speech therapy materials for adults

Fluency/Stuttering — free speech therapy materials for adults

Other — free speech therapy materials for adults


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