- Widgit Symbol Resource Packs (Recipes)
- Strong Story Lab
- “Nine Ways to Improve Speech in Parkinson’s Disease”
- Verb Network Strengthening Treatment
- Aphasia Therapy Online
- Tobii Dynavox Learning Hub
- The Breather 1.1
- “A World of Free and Low-Cost Resources for People Who Rely on Augmentative Communication”
- “A Workbook for Aphasia,” Cleveland State University
- “Apraxia-Aphasia Speech Therapy — Making it Fun”
- Lary’s Speakeasy
- “How to Muliple Oral Re-Read (MOR)”
- TalkPath Therapy Apps
- Handspeak, an ASL Dictionary
- ”133 Free & Lite Versions of AACo Apps + App Selection Resources”
- ”Aphasia Software Finder: App List”
- EatSpeakThink.com: “Free Multimedia Resources for the SLP”