Printable/PDF: Nice Speech Lady Session Tool: Laying-Out Task Options

The following SLP activities are offered today as choices (based upon preferences, testing/other information from the previous visit/s, as well as other factors).


  • The SLP fills out today’s visit activity options/descriptions, then explains all options.
  • Next, proceeding with requesting circling or pointing toward or more preferences can occur, or via communication in another manner.
  • Once the tasks are chosen, then slots for the time remaining can be scheduled.


Option #1: _____________________________________________________________________



Option #2: _____________________________________________________________________



Option #3: _____________________________________________________________________



Option #4: _____________________________________________________________________



Another patient request:


Time-planning allocation for visit time, based on choses above, and patient preferences:

START TIME                 STOP TIME


__________                __________    CHOSEN ACTIVITY: ________________________________


__________                __________    CHOSEN ACTIVITY: ________________________________


__________                __________    CHOSEN ACTIVITY: ________________________________


__________                __________    CHOSEN ACTIVITY: ________________________________



Britten, N., Ekman, I., Naldemirci, O., Javinger, M., Hedman, H. & Wolf, A. (2020) Learning from Gothenburg model of person-centred healthcareBMJ (Clinical Research Ed.)370, m2738.

Forsgren, E., Åke, S. & Saldert, C. (2022) Person-centred care in speech-language therapy research and practice for adults: A scoping review. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 57: 381– 402.

Sue Roulstone (2011) Evidence, expertise, and patient preference in speech-language pathology, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13:1, 43-48, DOI: 10.3109/17549507.2010.491130



Wilson Nice, SLP, is the owner of Nice Speech Lady, a medical SLP platform for functional, practical and evidence-based SLP clinical resources.

Nice has been publishing complimentary tools for SLPs since February of 2018.

She is a hybrid outpatient clinic owner — serving adults and children, in Socorro, New Mexico.




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